The Amazing World of Baby Lobsters: A Close-Up Look at Life in the Water Column

This is one of the coolest things that I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how I haven’t noticed it before, but this is a lobster that used to have eggs. There’s actually still a few eggs left. The eggs that are left, you can actually look really, really close and you can see a little baby lobster actually forming on the hairs of the lobster. You gotta look really close. I don’t know if the camera will be able to pick it up, but if you look super close, you can see two little eyeballs. You can see a little tail starting to form. It looks like a little tiny sea flea. It’s so cool. I didn’t know you could see them at that stage. This is what lobsters actually look like when they’re first born and they live in the water column. They’ll release off of her tail, they’ll float up in the water and they’ll live as a little sea flea basically in the water column. And while they’re there, fish will go crazy on them. Fish will eat them. And mortality at that stage is very high. Only a few of them survive old enough to sink back to bottom. Once they make it back to bottom, they have much more protection from predators and they’re much more likely to survive to adulthood. We’re gonna give her a notch. We’ll give her a snack. Send her home. Super cool. There she goes.