Top Penny Stocks to Watch on May 13th, 2024: Care Cloud Ink, Nova VAX, Copperware Brands, and AMC Entertainment Holdings

So what are the best penny stocks to buy on May 13th,2024? Well, number one recommendation is Care Cloud Ink, stock symbol C, C, L, Z. It is up today 77% or 98 cents, trading at two dollars and twenty four cents. Since this morning, he’d already traded 571 million shares in the first 90 minutes. Market cap for the company is roughly $40 million.

So I’m not sure what this company does, but it was, I guess, kind of unknown company because in the last six months, almost nobody was trading it. And it was basically trading at around 80,90 cents for the last six months. Not going really anywhere, just a little bit up and down. But the main thing is some kind of great news arrived today to this company, and suddenly it shut from ¢90 to like 2,030 one cents. So it’s up already 83%. So the main thing is that, so the news arrived, I guess, last Friday, but the volume was pretty low. So nobody really talked about it. And today it spiked. The volume went from, imagine like few hundred chairs a day, if that, and suddenly 57 million shares. So there’s a huge interest to that stock. And you know, buyers are swarming in and basically acquiring those shares and pushing them really high. So if I were you, I would definitely check out the news and see what’s driving that stock.

But the word cloud and the name kind of tells you that this is an it company and they probably using or selling or whatever dealing with cloud services. So take a look and see maybe you should inject some cash into it. Care Cloud Ink CC LZ, only 2,039 cents a share.

Next one is Noah VAX, stock symbol N V a X. It is up to date 47% or 4,025 cents, trading at thirteen dollars and sixteen cents a share. So the stock, oh, since this morning gets already traded 61 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $2 billion.

So this is probably a pharmaceutical company, a typical kind of like Benny stock where, you know, people are trying to develop some kind of new medication. In this case, I think they’re trying to I develop new vaccines because it has a name. Nova Vax. VAX stands for, were abbreviation for vaccines. But the main thing is that the company wasn’t really trading that much in the last six months, and it was hovering around four hours a share, not going much up or much down. So they were probably in a development stage of that process. So, but some kind of great news arrived actually on Friday and then push the stock from like $4 to, I guess like 8 to nine dollars on a huge volume. Back then on Friday of the volume was close to like 150 million shares or maybe or even 200 million shares. But the main thing is that the investors are still very excited about that stock. And you know, they keep buying, keep pushing the stock high and higher. So maybe they develop some kind of incredible vaccine for, or a disease that was not curable before, whatever vaccines usually deal with viruses. So maybe these guys had some kind of breakthrough with, I don’t know, Corona virus or some other virus, but it’s up to you to do your due diligence. But I think I would definitely recommend you to take a look and do some research on the stock and possibly put some money into it.

So Nova VAX ink stack symbol and a V a X only twelve dollars and eighty seven cents a share. Next one is Copperware Brands. That’s funny stock, simple t U. P. It is up to date 36% or ¢47 trading at dollar seventy six. Since this morning it already traded 10 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $100 million.

So Tupperware, well, I mean, you all know what Tupperware means. It’s like those kind of like plastic containers for like food or storage or but mostly for food. So I’m not sure what kind of great news arrived today, but frankly, the stock was a very bullish trend since April 23rd when it was training at 90 cents and then it started climb and it went to like 90 cents to dollar 20, dollar fifty and now it’s trading a dollar seventy. So it almost doubled in I would say less than couple less than like a month. So if I were you, I would definitely check out the news.

What’s happening today, why suddenly we had such a big push into, in terms of trading volume? Because even though it was going up by, you know, 5,10% a day in the last at least couple of weeks, the trading volume was pretty small. I mean, and I’m talking about maybe 100,000 shares. And suddenly today you jump to like 10 million shares in the first 90 minutes since the market open. So maybe they got something that is super powerful to drive the stock price and the buyers are coming in and acquiring lots of shares and pushing the price high and higher.

So take a look, see what’s happening there and put some money into it if you wish. So Top Aware Brands stock symbol t U. P only dollar seventy eight share. Next one is AMC Entertainment Holdings, stock symbol a m. See you. It is up to date 33% on ¢97, trading at three dollars and eighty seven cents since this morning, it already traded 162 million shares in the first 90 minutes. That’s huge. Market cap of the company is $1 billion. So if you’re not familiar with AMC, AMC is basically movie theater. It’s a chain of movie theaters that got like thousands of them.

And apparently, some kind of great news arrived to these guys and the stock was not really trading well. I mean, it was trading in the last six months, but it was trading maybe, you know, a million shares a day, maybe a couple of million. And today it went from 1 or two million to 162 million. And it’s like, you know, it’s just crazy. So I’m not sure what kind of news came up for them, but maybe they announce some great earnings. But even there, earnings, I don’t, I’m not sure, but I don’t think they could push the stock that high because, you know, movie business is not such an amazing growth business where, you know, like a software company or pharmaceutical company could go from like zero to multi billion dollar revenue overnight.

So I’m not sure what’s happening there, but check it out. But I should tell you that, you know, at least I start to go to movie theaters a lot more often because I guess bigger budget movies came out and it became, you know, more entertaining. And plus like let’s for example, this weekend I went to see planet of the apes, the latest release. So, and it was almost full. So maybe movie business is coming back or, I don’t know, something is happening there. But I would say that AMC was a kind of like on a bullish trend since April 15th when it was trading at around $2, and then it was like, you know, going up and up and up. And now it, it almost, frankly, it almost doubled in a couple of weeks, going from $2 to almost $4. Sell, check it out, see what’s happening there and maybe put some money into it. So AMC Entertainment Holdings, stock symbol a m. C, only 3,089 cents a share.