Home Sense Haul: The Quest for the Perfect Pink Blanket

The other day in Home Sense, I saw a blanket and I didn’t buy it. So this is our pink and yellow room and the blanket was basically this, these pillows. These pillows here. And I didn’t buy it and I haven’t stopped thinking about this bloody blanket. So guess where we’re going? To Home Sense to see if they’ve got it and I swear to God if they don’t, I will cry. It wasn’t even very much. I’m sure it was like 15 quid but you know when you’re just like why did I not buy it? It matches everything in that room. It’s so stupid. Right, let’s go to Home Sense. We’re here. There it is. If I remember correctly it was when I walked in the door. You better be there. I hate coming here as well because I spend so much money. Let’s grab a trolley. There it is. Hello. Hello. That’s going in there. They do a blue one. Oh. No, I came for the pink. We’re staying with the pink. Look how nice that table is. Look how nice this is. This is very nice. Look at the Harry Potter vase. Dan loves Harry. Let’s go in there. This is a problem. I’m now on the lift going upstairs. I don’t need anything else but we can have a look, can’t we? Look at this little swivel chair. Oh, look how nice that is. Wow. Look at this beautiful Tiffany style lamp. Now in my guest room I’ve got the little tray that I put all the bits on. You know like the tea bags and the biscuits and all of that. They’ve got so much stuff here. Now first of all I love these. You think the coffee pods and the tea bags. I’m just gonna get it because I think that that is, I think that’s perfect. I like the black velvet. Let’s get that. I’ve got so many nice trays. Look. But then I also think this. But then that’s also nice. Look at that. Which one do I prefer? Oh, stills on the other side. Right, I’ve decided I’m getting this here, this tray, and then I’m also gonna get these. Look at those. How handy are those? Little lids on. You gotta have a cheeky look down the cushions, aren’t you? Look at this one. Honestly, I’d spend a fortune. I’ve got to go. I’ve got a trolley full. I only came in for a blanket. We’ve got all the Halloween stuff. Look at it all. I don’t generally decorate for Halloween, but I know lots of people go mad for it. It’s very cool, isn’t it? You have to admit, but it’s not, it’s like, I don’t know, I mean, if Whippy would have that, that would be gone. Look at that. I mean, if you’re into Halloween, there’s so much of it. I mean, that is very cool, isn’t it? You have to admit that is cool. Oh my god, it’s heavy. I wonder how much it is. But I also regret not buying this. Is it a bit morbid? Do you know what I mean? But it’s big, mind. Look, it’s £40. I don’t know. I’ve had a wander around. I found two massive pink cushions. Don’t even get me started. And I’m back here. I’m back here. I feel like I’m gonna have to get it. I feel like I have no choice. I’m gonna, I’m gonna, if I don’t buy this, I will forever regret buying it. So that’s the thing with home-scent. They get you, don’t they? They just like, they put it out and they’re like, oh, once it’s gone, we’ll never get it again. Well, you got me. Look, I came in for a blanket. I came in for a blanket. I left with a sodding trolley full. Honest to god. I’ll show you where I’m putting everything when I get home. I’m gonna bear with me. I say bear with me. You don’t need to. Cause the next bit you’ll see will be me at home putting this away. But yeah, let’s go home and, let’s go home and decorate. Right, we’re home. I’ve got the sign. I don’t know where it’s gonna go, but we’ll figure out where it’s going. Hello, my darling. Hello, princess. He’s got his piggy. Right. This is why, this is what I originally went for. Right. That’s better. And then the blanket. That’s what, this is what I went for. That’s, that’s just the vibe I wanted. The pink and the yellow. And this room’s done now. It’s done. It was just in my head. And then we’ve got these little other bits that I bought. Oh my god. What we’re gonna do with this Harry Potter? Dan loves Harry Potter, as you can see. So I think, look, is a book, we’ll pull it next to the book. There we go. You can have his little Harry Potter vase there. I’ll show him when he wakes up. And then in here, I’ve gone back to that place so much. This is the area I wanted to organise. This is my little guest coffee station. I’m thinking in here, I can put the coffee pods. In here, I can put the tea, like in there. Well, I think that looks better. Look. So we’ve got the little thing for these. Then this is for the teas and the coffees. And then that’s better. That’s much better. Look. Then that tray, that tray can just go in the window sill over here. And I can maybe put those on there. What a sad little life, Jane. You probably think I’m really sad. I am really sad. But you know, hey ho, it’s my little life. And that was my little trip to home sense. Wasn’t it? My little baby. Kiss. Kiss. Kisses. Kisses.