The Coming Storm: Nosedive of the US Dollar, Bricks Nations Ending Ties, and the Impending Global Economic Restructuring

The US dollar is about to nosedive in a way that we have never seen before. And in October, something big is about to happen. And Russia and China are cracking their fingers right now because the global world order is being restructured right before our eyes. A nail in the US dollar coffin.

So what happens in October? I’ll get there in a minute with some pretty stunning news that we’ve been predicting here on this show for at least the last two years. I take no joy in this, by the way, but Biden’s sheep are about to be slaughtered. The liberals who say that everything is fine in the economy, the people, you know, watch CNN or msmbc. Not you guys, of course, the preppers who watch my show, you guys have been prepping and of course they make fun of you for prepping. Zero.

Worlds. Are worlds coming doing it? Help us, Jesus.

The country ain’t the country, our phrase, Dan. No, it’s better. It’s stronger. I’ve been warning you about this for two years that this is coming. And I see it in the comments thread. I read every comment you guys post there. You guys have been taking action. You’re already preparing your family. So you and I are gonna come out far ahead on this, thank goodness. But let’s get back to the big news here. In the next few months, everything changes for the US dollar. That’s not me saying this is coming from every economist that I trust, and there’s only a handful of them that I do. It’s coming from the very same people that accurately predict the tsunami that hit in 2008.

You know, Congressman Ron Paul, who ran for president of the United States, no one would listen to him. Ron Paul warned us all that the 2008 collapse was coming. He warned us in 2003. They call him nuts. He was right, of course. But back in 2008, he also gave us another huge warning that no one paid attention to and it’s now coming true. This is Ron Paul in 2008. Watch.

And to me, the more amazing thing right now is not only has a financial system collapsed, which is very bad and very dangerous, I believe that what we’re moving toward now is the collapse of the dollar. In the collapse of a dollar because it’s the international reserve currency, I think it’s gonna be much worse than what we have already witnessed.

Ron Paul warning all of us that a US dollar collapse is inevitable. And now we have breaking news that we just Learned about this weekend from Russia and China. We now know without a shadow of a doubt that the bricks nations are officially ending their ties to the United States dollar as a reserve currency, according to multiple sources close to the bricks planners, it will officially happen in October at their summit meeting where they will make that declaration. Now they could do a soft declaration ahead of time, we don’t know. But according to sources close to bricks, they will also announce their new currency at the time. Just let that sink in for a moment, guys. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and dozens of other countries which are now joining bricks will officially end settling transactions in US dollars and instead use a new commodities backed currency. And according to the news this weekend, bricks will, quote, sway other countries to ditch the US dollar by uplifting local currencies for trade as well as developing a new currency system that would rival the US dollar.

Experts, of course, say that the US dollar is less attractive now than the US is facing rising inflation, has unrelenting debt on its hands. Russia says that US is unloading its inflation on other countries holding their dollars. Just look at Japan, which is collapsing.

Instituto Lara brusco STOPPERS. Unexión de Pumas, que usted sea económica, nada de pichate de dólares. Average influence. Senior jika mulus nih ya tahun ini toko belarusia resi. And.

Then this weekend, we have yet another country announcing it wants away from the US dollar. The Maldives wants to sell transactions in bricks currency. So just since 2007, federal debt held by the public has surged from 4.6 trillion to an astonishing 20 seven trillion dollars. Overall government debt is now surpassed 34 trillion.

Just look at this chart that game of trades put together to paint a picture. In over 200 years of history, we saw this and then, boom, guys, there are so many bad signs right now for Biden’s sheep that I can’t even fit them all into this video. But here are two more little data points for you. China and other bricks nations saw this coming years ago, so they started dumping US Treasuries, unlike Japan. US allies, though, like Japan didn’t do that. And now they’re facing disaster because it’s basically gotten too close to the US dollar. It touched the sun and it got burned.

Now Japan’s economy is collapsing. They have no young people. No one is having babies in Japan. The same thing is happening in the United States. Thanks to Biden’s inflation and money printing, America’s fertility rate plummeted to its lowest level in a century just this past year. That means the government and the Fed have to keep printing money to counter that demographic cliff that’s coming. It’s about to get a whole lot worse.

But back to Japan for a moment. Japan is the largest holder of US debt. They were thinking of selling, but then the US panicked and Jerome Powell of the US Fed held a secret meeting with Japan’s central bank to make a secret deal. We’ll prop up your yen if you don’t sell off our dollar. Now that plan has collapsed. We’ve seen a reversal.

As the yen has began to collapse again to almost 100 and fifty six yen per dollar. This spells disaster for Japan and the US potentially as Japan is the largest holder of.

US Treasuries. Guys, the US dollar is a Ponzi scheme because they just keep printing more money, just like Bernie made off. A Ponzi scheme only works until people want their money back or they want out of the deal and then it all comes crashing down. Former Fed chief Alan Greenspan explains how this scheme worked. Are US Treasury bonds still safe to invest in?

Very much so. I think there’s a, this is not an issue of credit rating. The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always.

Print money to do that. Again, it works until the music stops playing, until inflation hits, until bricks nations ditch your Ponzi scheme and build a new currency on gold and oil. That’s what just happened.

The other big part of this is the collapse of western banks. One bank per month is now collapsing. Go right now and try to get some money out of your local bank to make a purchase. Like you want to buy a used car, you need a few thousand dollars out of your account. Chances are you’ll be told that the money isn’t there or you cannot withdraw your money at this time. Come back in eight days. Why? Because they don’t have it.

Like this guy who started filming on his iPhone, when he went into his local branch, he needed cash out of his account to buy a used car. He needed a few thousand dollars to make the purchase. He was told, no.

What is this? It’s my money. I’m allowed to withdraw from my own bank here. You said that. What’s the maximum limit you can give a withdrawal to a customer? It’s $3,000 on the day. You’ve already mentioned that multiple times. You’re not today. Why not today? Walau jadi. But what, you don’t, you need proof of what it is. Why is that? And why is.

That? It’s his money. They don’t have it. Godfrey Bloom, author and fund manager, says go out right now. Get your money out of these banks. These banks are insolvent and we are facing a dark age in the west. Guys, I’ve been warning you about this for two years on our show. Ron Paul has been warning us since 2008. So there’s no excuse not to be ready for this. The Biden sheep are in trouble.