Unexpected Encounters in the Night: A Traveler’s Tales from Vienna and Croatia

Okay guys, so I’m in Vienna and I’m walking around a late night stroll. I arrived late, like 9 o’clock, got to my hotel and then I wanted to go out for a couple hours for like a late night stroll and everything closes here at like 11 or 12 so I ended up getting McDonald’s for dinner and I’m waiting outside the McDonald’s to get my Uber home back to the hotel and this girl comes up to me with like the creepiest eyes and I’m like, huh? Like what do you want? And she’s like, sex? She literally said sex. And I’m like, I’m gay. And she’s like, I don’t care. I’m like, ew, ew! And she’s like, well, cigarette? And I’m like, ew, like go away! And like she walked away but that was like so creepy. Like I’m being safe but like sometimes you cannot like control other people but I was just like really taken aback by that. Also the weirdest thing about all these bottles in Europe is that they have the cap like attached so that you can’t like drop it or lose the cap but it kind of makes it a little bit harder to drink it. Anyway, I cannot wait to wake up tomorrow and explore Vienna during the day because it is so beautiful at night but I feel like tomorrow during the day it’s gonna be even prettier. I’m here for just a couple of days. I’m leaving on Thursday. Croatia was everything. There’s no way Vienna can top this. Also the reason I decided to go to Vienna is because there’s no connecting flights to Dubrovnik in Croatia so Vienna was my connecting flight so that’s why I was like I’m gonna as well make a trip of it and stay a couple days if I have to come here anyway. So I have a hotel here so feel free to send any recommendations while I’m in Vienna, Austria and I will continue to be very careful and aware of my surroundings and maybe not go out so late at night by myself. But like I just like had to see like what was going on since I just got here so I had to go out and get food but oh my god I’m just was so taken aback by that. Also this is the shirt I got in Croatia, Dubrovnik. It is so cute and I love it. Oh my god. I’m in my bed guys. It’s like 1.28 here. What time is it by you? I’m having a really difficult time keeping track of time zones.