Song Lyric Challenge with Tim: Can He Finish the Lyrics?

Okay, we’re gonna see if Tim knows the lyrics can finish the lyrics of a song I sing Okay, I don’t think Knee deep in the passenger seat in your eating me how Is this cash who? now My neck my back I Don’t fuck no The world it’s an old song my neck my back lick my side Move bitch get out the way Get out the way bitch get out the way You’re so good at this what I gotta think of one more black dress with the tights on her knees she got that black shit With the tights under me Okay, hold on if she says he’s got me wait tell your boyfriend if he says he’s got beef that I’m up Veggie Terrier and I Fucking scared of him I think you got three out three will count that one. Okay, babe. You are testing me on a okay. Bye