Rekindling Friendships and Love: The Magic of Dungeons & Dragons

most magical things about D&D that I think a lot of people don’t take into account is the fact that you get to become friends with those that you are close to all over again. Every single campaign, every single one-shot, you get to become friends again with your friends. I know it’s a weird thing to think about or try to explain, but I just think that is so wholesome. And I don’t think enough people talk about it. And the same goes for the ones that you love. You can fall in love all over again with your significant other through D&D. There are so many different ways to connect and I just think that is so dang sweet. Dungeons & Dragons has truly been such an important part of my life, not only starting four years ago during the whole, you know, but it also helped me get closer with my brother who had moved away. It’s helped me build incredibly strong friendships with people that I might not have ever met in my entire life if it weren’t for D&D. And not only that, being able to share my story and my campaign with the world has led me to become friends with people in the community, fellow content creators, but I’m also talking about people who just enjoy my show and the work we do behind the scenes to share our story with everyone. I’ve genuinely become really close friends with some fans that we have over on our discord and everything. So yeah, I just thought that was magical and I’m gonna rant because I think it’s cute, so deal with it.