Bookstore Adventures: Lady Macbeth, Mirror of Beast, and Dark Restraint – A Day of New Releases and Excitement

Let’s go to the bookstore for new book release Tuesday, one of my most anticipated releases of the year is out today and I’ve already read it and I can already tell you how much I loved it. Hang on, I have to walk, I have to go all the way to the back of the store now because they moved the sci-fi and fantasy section all the way to the back. Anyway, here we go, here’s the new fantasy releases and there she is, Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid is out today. I adore this book. I’m gonna have my review posted very soon. Here I am looking for the exact right copy. You always have to get the best one. Here’s the naked cover and wait for it. Here are the end papers on the inside. Absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous book. And then I’ve got some time to look around. Here’s This Ravenous Fate by Hayley Dennings. Didn’t pick this up because I got it at the event that I co-hosted last week. I still need to post that video for you guys. And then I went for Mirror of Beast by Alexandra Bracken. This is the sequel to Silver and the Bone, which I still have yet to read, but they had a bunch of signed copies of this one. So I went ahead and picked it up. I have good feelings about this series. And then I walked over to the romance section looking for the other book that I was here for today and it’s not here. It’s not with Katie Roberts other books. It’s not with the rest of the series. So I’m gonna look around a little bit more. I almost picked up Mistress of Lies, but then I remembered, I think it’s coming in one of my boxes, so I didn’t. And then as I walked by a table, I found what I was looking for, which was Dark Restraint by Katie Roberts. This is the next book in the Neon God series, which I adore. And then I was just in a cafe doing my work for a little while and that was that. So happy Lady Macbeth release day. I’m so excited.