Exploring Identity and Definitions: A Conversation on Gender, Rocks, Trees, and Sexual Preferences

is a woman? I don’t really consider myself a woman so I can’t really answer that. Do you consider yourself a rock? No, I don’t consider myself a rock. Well, could you tell me what a rock is even though you don’t consider yourself one? I don’t really deal with rocks so no I cannot. Can you tell me what a tree is? Yes I can! Are you a tree? No I’m not. So hang on, it’s really strange to me that you know what things are even if you’re not the thing. So what is a woman again? A woman in my opinion is someone who identifies as a woman. Okay I understand, a woman is someone who identifies as a woman. If this is the case then could you be sleeping with somebody and they roll over and say hey baby I’m a woman and you would be having lesbian sex, is that correct? It depends on if they’re considering themselves lesbians. Or why can’t they identify themselves as a dead body and then call you a necroliliac, why can’t they do that? Well there’s a kink for that so technically they can.