Hooked In: Exploring the Intricacies of Vocal Support for Extended Harsh Vocals

Right, it’s like a funky piano that you hear in Westworld. I like that. Oh, I dream in phosphorescence Bleed through spaces See you drifting past the fold But no one’s aware To go Ah, I’m gonna cry He’s so hooked up. To go Right? His support and like the, when we talk about that hooking up to a sound like that, we’re really talking about the sort of link between everything that is below the larynx and how that feels linked together as it goes through the larynx. People will talk about feeling like they’re connected to their support essentially. And it’s a very, very strange sensation when you figure it out. But once you’ve got it, it does feel like you’re hooked in somehow. And you can hear it when you have a line like this with somebody who it feels like you’re I don’t know how to describe it, but I’m gonna say yes, that’s great. Yeah, you have to hook into your support for extended harsh vocals. I don’t think you can do them any other way. Maybe short bursts, but long lines. But you do that. Okay, well, yeah, 100%. Yeah, you need to be warmed up and just like ready. Your body has to be there. Yeah, I noticed actually with some songs that I’ll end up doing live and I’ll do it without a song before it. Like in the song before it, I’ll do it without a song before it. Like in this last row, we did Sun Eater instead of something else that was before it. So it was like one of the hardest songs we have. And I was like, I’m not hooked in yet. And then there’ll be the first couple lines. It’s like the fifth one of the lines in there. It’s just like a lot of vocals back to back to back to back. And I will mess it up because I haven’t done it. But by the time I’m at the end of the song, when it comes back, no problem. I’m hooked in. But before that, not hooked in yet. I’m still like hooking myself into it. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. And actually, that’s a perfect segue into the fact that he just started feeling like the song hooked in. Starting a song like this connected to your support is super, super hard. Puccini does it all the time. He like helps you hook in. But that’s because he’s master of classical singing, which is always. Anyhow, this is let’s go back to the beginning. Doing a great job, Essel. You’re killing it. Yeah.