Unveiling Museum Mysteries: Ownership vs. Loaned Artifacts

Is most of the stuff at the museum, does it belong to the museum or is it on loan? Well the first thing to remember is that what you see on display is only the tip of the iceberg of a museum’s collection. The Museum of Flight has over three million different objects, artifacts, photos, documents, things like that over in our archives and pretty much all of that belongs to the museum. It’s been what’s called accessioned. Accessioned is a fancy museum word that means that it belongs to a museum and that museum has promised to take care of it forever in perpetuity. Now when you’re looking at the aircraft it really depends on the plane. A lot of them do belong to the museum like this one behind me and this one over here but a lot of military aircraft for example like the MD-21 behind me does not belong to the museum. A lot of the military airplanes are on loan from the various military branches but again that’s not true for all of the military planes. The best way to learn if something’s on loan or if it is accessioned by the museum is to take a look at the sign. The sign will tell you where it came from. Museums it’s really important that we’re transparent about who owns what and so we put things on the sign. There’s reasons why a museum might want something on loan. There’s reasons why the museum might want to accession something. I find that kind of museum behind the scenes stuff really interesting. I don’t know if anyone else does but let me know if you’re curious about kind of some of that behind the scenes museum stuff in the comments and I’ll make some follow-up videos.