The Chronicles of a Morning Rush: Chaos, Prep, and Lunchtime Delights

I don’t know why I don’t give myself like more time to get ready in the morning, but I don’t. I just keep waking up at the same time every workday morning, like every office morning, and expecting something to change even though I know I will faff and change outfits about 4,000 times and end up wearing the same thing I wore last week. And then it leaves me with like all the 15 minutes to get my lunch together. And I mean, that sounds like a lot of time. That sounds like a lot of time. Don’t get me wrong. That’s a lot of time, but you don’t see the chaos that is happening back here because there are so many things that I needed to prep that I should have done last night and I decided I was too tired to know that there were a problem for this morning. Like I’ve got potato, but I need to do the filling and I just I don’t like being harried. I don’t like being rushed. But anyway, we’re here. I made some overnight oats this time with chia seeds for, you know, a change. So I just need to prep everything that’s going on top of those. And then I need to sort lunch out and then well, that should be everything done if I can actually find anything in the chaos of what is happening. I’ve got some strawberries leftover from the weekend. So I’m just gonna actually I should hang, draw and quarter those, not just slice them in half because they’re going to go on the overnight oat situation. And I prefer them hung, drawn and quartered. If you get what I’m putting down, pick up what I’m putting down. I don’t know. It’s very early. I’m very tired. I’ve got a lot to do. Right, strawberries, hung, drawn, quartered. I’m gonna throw some blueberries. This is like my breakfast accompaniment pot. Yeah, loads of space so I can fit a few more blueberries in. This is quite a handy little pot. Oh, I’ve just got blueberry juice literally everywhere. That is vile. Where is my cloth? I think I squashed all of the fruit when I was bringing it back from Tesco last night. What are you gonna do? Continue to squash the fruit. Oh no, now I’ve put too many in. Life is certainly certainly a roller coaster. That’s better. Anyway, I’m then in the top inertial dry bit. I’m gonna just shove in some of this dried fruit. Why not? When in Spain, I’m not in Spain. Oh, I wish I was in Spain. And then I’m just gonna do some mini M&Ms for crunch. I think I’m quite obsessed with like mini M&Ms on my breakfast. It’s like fun, isn’t it? Having some chocolate in the morning. And then I’m just going to do like a dessert spoon full of these. This seed mix. It’s got like, I think it’s got flax and pumpkin and sunflowers. And I don’t know, I had some of the seeds are good for you. And now I eat them with my breakfast all the time. Now I’m going to do a little tuna mayo situation to fill the potato. I know criminal isn’t it to have tuna in the workplace. However, it’s not that bad. I’ve done it before. No one’s ever complained. So and also like I tend to eat my desk, which is quite hidden from the majority of the office. Anyway, I’m not justifying myself. I’m putting tuna mayo in my jacket potato. It’s a healthy filling lunch. It’s a healthy filling lunch. Also, yeah, this pot is like insanely large. But I couldn’t be bothered to go and get the smaller jug. And yeah, I’ve got some tuna sweet corn in there. I’m gonna, I thought I was gonna go wrong. I’m gonna chop up a couple if I can ever get them out and chop up a couple of these cornetones. I love pickles in my tuna mayo. I don’t know if anyone else is a pickle in your tuna mayo kind of person. But if you like tuna mayo, if you like tuna mayo and you like pickles, put pickles in your tuna mayonnaise. It will change your life. It certainly changed mine. I’m not ready to go back to work this week. It is however, a three day week because I am going to see Taylor Swift at the end of the week on Friday. Friday is my, my ear is sore. My, oh my god. Friday is my ear is sore day, which I could not be happier about. Like every time I think about it, I think I might cry. So I’m not thinking about it, but I’m so excited. I can’t believe it’s finally here. I feel like we’ve been waiting for this tour. I feel like we’ve been waiting for this tour forever for it to hit August. And that’s finally here. And I’m very excited and very overwhelmed. And I’ve got a lot of work to do in the next today, tomorrow and Thursday. Anyway, we’re not thinking about that. We’re thinking about the lovely tuna mayo jacket potato that we’re going to have for lunch today. This is the potato I cooked last night. She looks a bit sad. I will not lie to you. Like that is a sad looking jacket spud. If ever I did see one anyway, it will still be delicious. Just unfold it like that and then just dump the tuna mayo on like that. Perfect. I was going to put some salad on the potato before I put the tuna in, but it failed. So I’m just going to like, shove it down the side like that. This is lamb’s lettuce, which I feel like is a very underrated sort of lettuce. Do you know what I mean? I’m also… Oh, what’s the date on that? The 11th of August. It doesn’t smell good. This is the Korean gochujang coleslaw. I just didn’t finish it over the weekend because I don’t really have anything. We didn’t eat anything that it would go with, but it’s extremely good. So it’s sad that that has come to the end of its natural life before I could finish eating it, but I will buy again. I’m also going to add some ruby beetroot sauerkraut because fermented foods are good for you or something like that. That is a lovely helping of that. And then I’m just going to finish it off with the rest of these smoky beets. And that is lunch. It now just looks like a big fat mess, but it will be delicious. So who’s the real winner here? Me. I like to take a lot of snacks to the office because you just, you never know. This working thing, it really like involves your brain and your brain needs a lot of sustenance. Anyway, I’m just going to make up a little pot with some slightly squashed raspberries. That’s just the theme of the fruit and a few candy frost grapes. I picked these up from Tesco yesterday and they actually look quite crunchy, which I’m very excited about. So I got these little pots from B&M and they’re like the perfect size for your little fruit snack. Just perfect. Everything perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I thought that was going to fall over, but it didn’t. And then I’m going to do the purple one and I’m going to put some cucumber in it because you just can’t have too many fruits slash veg snacks. You know what I mean? I’m just going to do some circles because I think they’ll fit in the best. Just some cucumber circles in there. That’s my little pot of cucumber. Get my little leaning tower of deliciousness. Anyway, right, that’s that and that, that’s that and that, that’s that and that. Lovely. I’m going to tidy up so I can see what I’m working with. I’m swiftly running out of time. I should be leaving out the door in literally like two minutes. Anyway, I just need to pack and go pack and go pack and go. Stop talking. You just need to pack and go. Right. Overnight oats. What else am I going to put in there? Breakfast. Apple. Kiwi. This is a golden kiwi. You’re going to think I’m insane for the amount of snacks I’m about to put on my, well, I’m a bummer. Anyway, I’ve got this Malo Marsh dark chocolate over raspberry malo bar. I’ve got some little packet mini Oreos. I’ve got some deliciously Ella. Those weren’t the ones I wanted. I wanted the M&S peanut butter milk chocolate peanut butter cup. So I’m trying to eat peanut butter this week because my boyfriend’s allergic and he’s on holiday. I’m making the most of it. That’s not a very nice banana. So I’m going to take it anyway. We’ll see what happens. I’m on the same theme of banana peanut butters. This is the Pippin Nuts peanut butter stuffed O bar, the chocolate one this time. These are really, really good. They’re not cheap, but they are very, very tasty. I’ve also got some cheese and marmite puffs because they’re in the cupboard and they need eating up. Anyway, that’s that. Put that inside my big toe and then pack my tuna mayo jacket potato just down the side there. Actually, hang on. This isn’t working. Right. My tuna mayo is in there. Then I’m just going to put my little fruit pots and then I’m also going to take these freeze dried figs lighters I found from TG Maxx. I love figs. I like freeze dried things. So I thought they sounded quite interesting. And then stick that on the top. And that is my lunch. And I have literally got no time to spare. So I’m going to run and put my shoes on around the door. And it was lovely to see you all again. Have a lovely Tuesdays. I don’t know. Anyway, have a lovely day.