Exploring Delicious Coffee Creamer Flavors: A Taste Test Adventure with Nut Pods

I got a surprise package from Nut Pods last night of these three coffee creamer flavors, which is perfect timing actually, because my coffee creamer was moldy and I had to throw it away. So let’s make our coffee together and try one. We have cookie butter, vanilla caramel, and sweet cream. I think I’m actually leaning towards the cookie butter just because I’m really intrigued by it. So I’ll try this one today and these two tomorrow and the day after that. Gonna start by brewing a double espresso dulce n espresso pot. Gorgeous. Now let’s add our ice, our milk, our espresso shot. Beautiful. And finally some of our cookie butter creamer. The reason why I’m so intrigued by this flavor is because a while back, my friend Caroline put me on this delicious cookie butter creamer from Califia Farms and it was so good, I was hooked. Let’s give it a swirl. But it was just a little bit too sweet to have as my everyday coffee. So I’m curious as to what this one’s gonna taste like. It is an almond and coconut coffee creamer. So that’s the base. Cheers. Let’s take the first sip. Oh wow. Yum. It’s definitely less sweet than the Califia Farms one but still has that delicious cookie butter flavor. I only like to put in a little hint of creamer because I don’t like it to overpower the coffee flavor but this is pretty spectacular. Cheers. Come back tomorrow because we’re gonna try the sweet cream one next.