Trust in the Lord: His Plan is Greater Than Your Temptations and Desires

Do you have time for the word of God if you do awesome if you want to share this verse with someone go ahead But if not, no worries whatsoever tonight We’re doing proverbs 3 5 and 6 trust in the lord with all your heart Do not lean on your own understanding and all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight That’s why i gotta let you know that his plan of life is so much greater than your temptations It is so much greater than your desires and is so much greater than anything that you have planned in your life So put everything away that is outside of god and just fully follow him with all of your heart And he is going to bless you He is going to heal you he is going to strengthen you and he is going to give you the best life you could ever possibly Imagine but one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of us make is we hold on to our own ways in life We hold on to the things that we want and it pulls us and delays the plans that he has in store for him So let it all go and let god go in your life