Mastering the Sync Game: Why Focusing on One Genre Can Skyrocket Your Success

If you’re looking to boost the possibility of you getting sync placements, you probably should focus on one genre instead of a variety of them. And here’s why. Think of it like you’re looking for a specialist in medicine. You wouldn’t go to a cardiologist or a heart doctor to fix a problem with your back, would you? No, of course not. A specialist is highly sought after for their level of expertise. Concentrating on specific genres can significantly raise your chances of getting a sync deal because it makes you look like an expert, you can build a very strong portfolio, and Lowkey is going to help you with your targeting when you’re pitching to sync agents and music supervisors that are working on the right projects for your music. One of the homies in the sync alliance literally did this and they ended up with like three or four sync deals within the same week, which was just ridiculous. He became like the go-to source for that genre. Besides, after you sign that deal, you can experiment with all kinds of different stuff. It’s like a first date, you gotta put your best foot forward. Make music for brands, not fans.