Unexpected Turns: A Night with Maverick and the Costly Scare

So tonight did not go at all as we had planned. Maverick ran into the pasture with the horses and we think that Arlo kicked him. We obviously didn’t see it because we were at the barn and by the time he got to us, he was limping horribly. And anytime you would go to touch him around his ribcage or his back legs, he would yap and then try to bite you. And Maverick is not aggressive at all, so it was very pitiful to watch. So we immediately brought him to where they gave him some x-rays. And all me and Dylan could think about was that his leg is definitely broke and that he was gonna need surgery. So honestly, Dylan and I were kind of panicking and praying that it wasn’t broke because we were just so afraid of the cost. Because we all know that vet bills are not cheap. So you can see here that they’re rubbing on him and trying to see where he’s hurting and he is not enjoying it at all. Then they took him back for x-rays and they brought us back and guess what? There was absolutely nothing wrong with him. He has a little bit of swelling on his hips, but besides that, he is just a big baby. So I’ll take him being a baby over a broken leg any day.