Understanding Alter Complexity in Dissociative Identity Disorder: Exploring Complex Trauma and Fragmentation

So there’s a good chance that this is a rhetorical question. However, it gives me an opportunity to speak about something I’ve been wanting to talk about and kind of bridge the gap of understanding between complex systems and non complex systems. I’m gonna be talking about alter complexity in this video. And my mutual made a really great video on this. I’m gonna link that video in the description. So go watch that and get an understanding of like general alter complexity. And then come back here and it’ll help explain some of the things that I’m about to say.

So the short answer to your question is, we don’t, we do not, we may try at first because that is kind of one of the steps in the process of treating non complex did. However, we quickly learn that not only is this extremely difficult called, it’s pretty useless in did and OSDD1 getting to know each part, what they do, what they hold, and forging communication with them is really important. This is how we know what’s going on in the system, what traumas we need to process, stuff like that.

However, in complex and highly complex, did we have a large concentration of fragments? Highly complex did is a little tricky cuz sometimes it can be made to look like a less complex form of what’s actually going on, but it’s still the same deal.

Complex and highly complex. Did both form from a very specific kind of trauma, complex, did forms from more extreme traumas and then highly complex, did, takes the step further with intention in the way the system forms when it comes to organic versus inorganic systemhood, the reasons for existing are different. Each structure and facet of organic systemhood ultimately exists to benefit and help the individual. With inorganic did, this is not the case. Inorganic did structures exist to benefit the abuser? Okay, this is the bit where you’re going to need the information from Guest Alt’s video. When it comes to parts within a system, the more parts there are, the less dimensional each part is going to be. This is because each individual contains a core being, not core theory, but a core being basically a crux of identity that contains everything you were, are and could ever be. No being can amount to more than that, crux. And technically speaking, you as a full person cannot technically be less than that. However, complex trauma leads to the inactivity of the wholeness of self. What glues a person’s identity together and makes some function as a singular unit?

So let’s imagine a whole circular pizza. That pizza once baked can’t be any more pizza. It’s always gonna be the same amount of pizza. A whole uncut pizza is a person without CDD. And you know, when you try to cut the pizza, but you don’t really like get in there and it doesn’t, it’s not fully separated. That’s what OSDD1 looks like. And a fully cut 8 slice pizza is your regular did system. No one slice is going to fill you up as much as a whole pizza wood. Each part of the pizza has to work together to make something well rounded and filling. However, these are separated or relatively separate rated slices, and so it becomes harder to make it function like a whole pizza. This is where the disorder part of complex dissociative disorder comes in. Sometimes more slicing occurs, and that leads to more slices of pizza. But again, more slices is taking away from the whole of the pizza, not adding more pizza. And if the slicing gets kind of funky, sometimes you have a large slice of pizza and a bunch of really small slices. That’s about did to CDID to even hcdid.

Now I’m gonna take this step further to show a presentation of hcdid. Imagine you’ve got a whole pizza that is just slice the hell. In fact, I’m talking each slice is about like a millimeter wide. You’re gonna need to bunch a whole lot of slices of pizza together to even make it seem like a regular slice of pizza. But the deal is, no person would cut a pizza like that. It’s extremely inconvenient to eat a pizza like that. It’s not naturally occurring. This is what we call a cilma or frac line system, a system that is made up of hundreds of thousands of parts and is still continuing to split around that same rate, see a naturally occurring system doesn’t need that many parts. CDID or polyfragmentation is formed from a specific kind of trauma. And that trauma does lead to more alter complexity and that there’s a bunch of parts and it’s mostly fragments. However, having a system made up of alters that when you look inside is just like a subsystem made of dozens of parts, that doesn’t occur naturally. That’s not something the brain would do on its own. There is no need and no ability to make that happen on your own. Cuz the thing about fragments is because they’re so tiny and don’t encompass that much, they’re very sticky once you take out that one little amnesic barrier, they just stick to another. I mean, take the amnesic barriers out of any part and it’ll just stick to another. However, when it comes to fragments, there might be just one or two. You take those two out easily and it just sticks to another. This is why you see a ton of fusion in healing polyfragmented systems. There wasn’t that much of them to begin with, and so they can easily just view into the hole. There has to be a direct intent to create a whole bunch of fragments, keep them like that, and then keep creating them. And it’s something that’s pretty difficult to accomplish in programming. There has to be a lot of factors that are exactly right to make this happen, which is why I’d say it’s pretty rare. However, it is extremely desirable because it is super easy to control these types of systems. If one singular alter is a bunch of fragments in a trench coat, if one of those fragments starts thinking, hey, I don’t really wanna carry out this program, the whole bunch of the other fragments in that trench coat will just take over. It makes it very hard to define program. It also makes it really hard to find which traumas you need to process because they’re all hidden under these mounds and mounds apart. It’s really easy to make distractions that take away from healing. You can have a bunch of different programs running in a bunch of different parts at once. The good news, though, is that once you find that little pin that you need to pull out, they’ll kind of just mesh together and it becomes easier to sort through the mess.

However, I do want to make it known that in order for a Soma or frac line system to continue splitting, there needs to be the presence of trauma, either primary or secondary. So direct traumatization, you know, through an external trauma or the trauma that occurs from being so that it just like disrupts your life in a traumatic way.

But when it comes to that kind of system. I’m talking about this cuz this is what I am, there’s no point in getting to know every single part and getting to know every single fragment of every single part. It doesn’t make any sense. Cuz they’re just, there’s not much to them. Like even I, the host and made up of a bunch of different fragments, it just kind of like switch out interchangeably. There’s about two sides of me that I can pinpoint as distinct, but other than that, there’s no real point in differentiating all of, just like the mass of a Mark amount of part. It’s like how there’s no point in trying to differentiate each one of your skin cells cuz it just makes skin. What’s the point?