Inside the World of Wrestling: A Deep Dive into the Unique Traits and Attributes of Wrestlers

The sport you play in school says about you part three. Third, wrestling. This is probably the most requested sport. Track coming soon. The thing about the wrestlers in school is that y’all really stay to y’all self. Y’all really have y’all’s own world. Regardless of everything, y’all walk with a certain confidence that at the time I didn’t really understand. Less than to the day I saw a wrestler getting in a fight with a kid at our school. Before I tell you this story I wanna preface it with, I was a chameleon in school. I could be friends with anybody. I had a wrestling and acquaintance kind of friend that he would always say, I’ll drop him on his head. Years later down the line, met another dude who must’ve wrestled in high school. He said the same thing, I’ll drop him on his head. Y’all’s infatuation with picking somebody up, dropping them on their head needs to be studied. Back to the story, I realized y’all was this confident as when bro tried to square up with the wrestler, the wrestler put his hands up kind of just to block his face. Gang did this arm swoop, put his knee to the ground and took this man straight to the pavement. Rap buddy hold body up like a pretzel. And that’s when I realized, oh, it’s the confidence of knowing you can’t BB. It’s the same confident you get from any martial art. I started boxing, I feel more confident in street now. One thing about wrestlers though, y’all are the sweatiest people in the school. Our basketball practice was at the same time as the wrestlers practice. And sometimes when we had our water breaks, we would catch y’all. I’m talking about y’all are sweating pools and y’all all got a certain thickness to y’all, the men and the women. All y’all got big asses, big legs. But I realized why y’all be sweating so bad. I guess our basketball coach got up with the wrestler coach, had us do a workout where we went to the wrestling room. Mind you, I have never seen the wrestling room in my life till that day. We went in there and y’all keep that room at a hundred degrees and it’s this big old wet sweaty mat. I was doing drills, I don’t even remember how to do, but I’m not gonna lie that day, there was a different level of respect that was gained. Y’all big, thick, sweaty, sometimes smelly selves, got a whole different grind to y’all.