Embrace the Critics: Thriving in the Face of Doubt and Disbelief

Look, they don’t like you but they are watching everything you do. I’m telling you today to keep on doing what you’re doing because no matter what they are watching. Let me tell you something. Tyler Perry made a movie called Divorce in Black. It has 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. People trashed that movie. But guess what? It totally blessed me today when I saw it. He, because everybody hated on the movie, it got the number one viewership, the most ever for MGM coming on Prime. Number one viewership. It boosted subscriptions simply because people hated the movie. But people still wanted to watch. And I want to tell somebody, it doesn’t matter that they hate you. It doesn’t matter that they don’t like you. They are still watching you. They can imitate you but they can’t duplicate you. Did you hear me somebody? They can imitate you but they can’t duplicate you. Some may not want to give you credit for what you do but they won’t stop what God has for you. People will broadcast your failure and whisper your success. People will talk about how much you failed but they won’t talk about how much and how you’re really successful. When God decides to bless you, he will call situations to come together in your favor no matter what others say, no matter what others do. I’m telling you to keep on doing you. When I saw how bad they talked about Tyler Perry’s movie, zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes. They called it a disaster. But that disaster is now a success. I’m telling you somebody, you’re going to be successful. It doesn’t matter if they support you. It doesn’t matter how much they talk about you. You will be a success. Keep doing what you do because guess what? They watching. Guess what? They talking but you’re going to still be successful. Be blessed.