God’s Chosen: Embracing Your Unique Purpose and Spiritual Calling

you. And there’s a celebration going on in heavenly places because you have a thirst, you have a hunger, you have a desire to please God. Do you know how unique that is? In a world that’s full of darkness, your little spigot of light that’s shining in whatever area of town that you’re in is causing things to change on a spiritual level? Do you understand that you desire God? That is unusual because a simple nature does not desire God, it’s him that pulls us into his whole dimension spiritually that causes us to seek his face. He peaked you. Let me tell you something. He peaked you. God chose you. He peaked you. And the devil tries to flip the script like he did from the very beginning to make us get into a position to where we want to be picked by somebody else. Baby, I want you to understand something today that if nobody chose you, if nobody picked you, if you were always the last one they wanted on your team, if somebody overlooked you, I want you to understand today that God chose you and he picked you. And he wants you to understand this. Go ahead on and choose yourself because when you have been chosen by the creator of all things, do you know how privileged that is to be chosen, to be selected, to be hand picked by God, to do a specific work? I want you to know today that it’s the devil’s job to make sure that you don’t find that specific work that God has put you here to do because I want to let you know that that specific work is linked. It is linked to a financial breakthrough. That specific work that God has put you here to do is linked to healing a whole lot of people. That specific work that God has put you here to do is linked to raising the level of spirituality and consciousness in this dimension. I want you to know that that spiritual work is linked to everything good that God wants to just release in your life. Find it. Come on somebody. I want you to find it today.