Become Batman: Embrace Your Powers, Manifest Peace, and Unleash Your Inner Superhero

Peace Powerful Manifest. This is your favorite. Fucking prophet. This prophet is awesome. I’m gonna do it all. So look at me, twice in one day. Spirit has been downloading messages. So they used to call you, they used to call me crazy Joe, now they call me Batman. So we know me is very significant. You could have just watched it or you could have liked it when you were young but either way. Alright, Spirit, there was a lot of people who called you crazy. Alright, but now they can just call you Batman while you around here saving the city. Gotham. Okay, round this bitch. But the one thing about crazy Joe Clark is what that he got them students together. He got those people together. It may have been by unconventional means. Alright, but he got the job done. People didn’t always agree with his methods. People didn’t always understand why he did the things that he did and how he did them. Alright, but he knew. Alright, he continued to follow what his intuition, his spirit was telling him and guiding him on what was best for the collective or what was best for him and how he could operate in his gifts to bring that school up. Alright, so it’s the same thing for you. Alright, so many people may have called you crazy. Now tell them to call you Batman. Alright, because you around here saving people, uplifting people. Alright, and they may not understand the methods or why you do the things that you do. They don’t even understand how you do it. How you can get through so much, so many, so much adversity, so many obstacles, so many trials and tribulations and still have a smile on your face, love in your heart and continue the mission that God has set you to do. You’re not crazy, beloved. You’re just Batman. Let me get into that cave. Y’all go forth with the power source behind you. Dare to be different. Dare to dream your destiny. Stay the fuck aligned, divine, and fine. If you want to book a session with me, links in the bio. Peace out.