Accepting Reality: Changing Your Perception of Others’ Behaviors

Now sometimes, it’s not them that has the problem. No, no, no. It’s you that has a problem with what they don’t see a problem with. Allow me to elaborate. If a person is not willing to change their behavior, despite what you have to say or how they know what they’re doing is making you feel, then at some point you gotta accept the fact that this is who this person is right now. This is who they are. And if they had a problem with the way they were, best believe they would change the way they were. So instead of wasting all your time trying to change them into who you wish they were, just change the role that they play in your life. If who they are is not a problem for them, then you owe it to your mind and your heart to stop making it a problem for you. Now love you, I’m out here.