Fresh Prince Trivia and Hilarious Impressions: A Fun Chat About the Classic Show

Are you smart? We’re gonna see in a second. What did the license plate say on the cab in the og fresh prince? You should know this one. Okay The license file was set fresh. There we go. Okay, fresh Give me your best impression of jazz getting thrown out the house. What? I can’t get up that high What time did will pull up to the house About seven or eight Home smell you later. That was a long time ago really the show was what was that 34 years ago? We were 34 years ago. You weren’t born Wait, how you think I am? 27 times Give me a couple extra years So I saw that picture too, but we’re not gonna talk about it on camera listen listen I Apologize I was at the gym. I was feeling myself. You gotta let me live. Come on What year did the original Fresh Prince premiere? September 1990 the season of Virgos. Mmm, the show was kind of a burger It was like it’s Virgo Libra a birthday September 25th, really Libra still the you know, most compatible sign in the zodiac I’m a Scorpio. So I didn’t know that. Yeah, the one of the less compatible signs in the Zodiac Are you really just no no to do this to me will this is your second one you call me 27 You had to point out my picture. Now. You’re saying I’m the least 27 year old you don’t look a day over 50 That’s what you just told me. I think that’s all we have appreciate you