Gift Swap Frenzy: That’s Not a Hat – A Fast-Paced Memory Game of Gifting Chaos

This might be my new favorite party game. That’s Not a Hat is a super fast-paced memory game that’s all about giving gifts to your friends. To start, put the deck of cards face up in the middle and give each player one face-up gift. Oh look, it’s a capybara. The first player’s gonna take the top gift from the deck, flip it over and slide it to whichever way the arrow’s pointing. Then they’re gonna declare what the gift is. This is a watch. The player receiving the gift will say thank you because they know what it is and they’re very grateful for it. That player is then going to give away their old gift, and the player who receives that repeats the process all over again. The player who receives that gift will then say thank you, of course, and then give whatever this is away. I can’t remember what it is. See, this is where the game gets super tricky. When the cards are all face down, you can’t remember what anything is. And you can always decline a gift if you think what the player said they gave you was wrong. If you’re caught lying, then you keep that card in front of you as a penalty. And the process starts all over again with a new gift from the gift shop. When one player gets three penalty cards in front of them, the game is over. And whoever has the least amount of penalty cards wins. This game is pure chaos, and I love every second of it. Huge thanks to Ravensburger for hooking me up with a copy.