Celebrating with Masticha and Water: A Night of Unexpected Encounters and Reservations

You want to drink and give me a shot of Masticha and a shot of water. Cheers. Yamas You know, I’m not gonna trick you and drink water because I’m gonna end up at night So I just drink with you water. But thank you. Good passing by. I like your shirt. Ladies. How are you? How’s your lamb so far in your shakanaki? Is that your first time here? I hope you dance on the table later Yeah, yeah, you will do it. Hello, sir. How are you? You have a reservation? Perfect. Thank you for coming in. What was the name? Still seven. Did we lose anybody? Did we gain anybody? Okay, he’s gonna regret it. He’s gonna hear the stories tomorrow Hello everyone. How you doing? You guys have a reservation with us? Okay. That’s good. Good. What was the name of the reservation? Okay, I see you David party of four, please No, no inside this is gonna be too hot outside Oh You want to be outside? Okay. No problem. Enjoy. Thank you