Playful Baby Name Suggestions: A Fun Conversation About Imaginative Names

We’re gonna go over baby names, we’re not pregnant, but I just wanted to, I wanna share with you some baby names that I like. Do you wanna start with boys or girls? Why is it so funny? See, it just pulled me out of nowhere. I didn’t know what was going on. Okay. Okay, I like the name Rotine. Yeah, like regatoni. Okay, I guess I no longer like Rotine. No, it’s like protein, just without the P. Well, I love protein. What do you think of teeny? Yep, like a teeny tiny, yeah. For a girl? Isn’t that cute? That’s the name of your car, but. Speaking of car, Rover. Isn’t that so cute? Rover, Rover, Rover, come on over. That’s true. I was thinking of your car. Okay, what about for a boy, stock? Isn’t that cool? Sounds hard. Cause he’s steady going up. Sure. Okay, what about like latte? Ooh, like latte, yep. Like coffee, like a latte. You like it for a girl? You’re saying all the things that like. We like. Yeah, but then you put like a little, like Target, Tarjay. Like you putting like a little on it. What about Minnie? Cause we met in Minnesota. No, you’re not sold on that one? Yeah, yeah, Minnie, like a little. What about winter? Winter, yeah, it get cold on Minnie. Yeah, but like winter for a name. Mm-hmm, it was cold. What about flower? Flower, yep, cause you like flowers and like orchids and stuff like that. Orchids a good name. Orchidry, orchidry-ous. So really whatever name I come up with for a baby you’re fine with? Mm-hmm. Okay, perfect, I’m glad I have that on camera. Is this one of those giving them a nod? So I can just pick this. Yay! Exactly.