Title: Unmasking the Charm: The Disturbing Reality of Child Molesters and Empowering Child Safety

When you think of a child molester, what do they look like in your head? You might think of these scary, monstrous men. I want you to listen to this video very closely. And trigger warning because this is very disturbing.

Worked in a men’s prison, a level 5 men’s prison.

So there was one night that he was like, hey, I’m gonna go put you in sedorm. You need anything? You give us a call. My cool. What dorm is sedorm? They’re like, oh, it’s the Tremodorm show. Most child molester dorm. They do have to have their own special dorm.

Cuz if not, they will all be killed. Definitely will not what I expect to them. And I say that because they were all so nice and like extremely respectful. Yes, ma’am. No, ma’am. Please. Thank you whenever you get a chance.

Like most inmates there, not the nicest, you know, and, but these, all of these guys, we’re so incredibly nice, so respectful. They never gave me a hard time. They never harassed me. And they, that was probably the scariest thing was that I think that we think that these monsters look like monsters. They don’t.

They look like young men or old men, whatever. But they look nice and they have good manners and they’re respectful. But that’s part of the charm, right? Cuz they gotta get you to trust them. They’re good at it. Like they’re scary good at it. They are incredibly just chill, very respectful, very nice.

They would always be more than willing to help me with anything that I needed. Miss B, do you need this? Miss B, can I help you with that? Yes, ma’am. No, ma’am, please. Thank you.

It’s just, and that was the scariest part, though, about working with them. And like, that was when the realization hit me. Like all of y’all have heard, a child, you’re not, you wouldn’t be in here unless you would hurt a child in some way, shape or form.

And there was very particular inmates that I would go home and look up, which they don’t want you to do that. They say it’s a no. But like, let’s be for real. Everybody goes home and looks up when they’re in there for, and you go and you look what they’re in there for and there’s no word. Just from someone that has up close and personal worked with, you know, been in a room with a hundred and twenty plus human garbage bags before all.

There was pastors in there, there’s judges in there, there’s doctors in there. There was men that had daughters in there. Even if their daughter wasn’t the one that they hurt, which most the time it was.

You just don’t know anybody and you can’t trust anybody because people can have a good face, but you have no idea what demon is hiding underneath that face. Nice.

Teach your child situational awareness over stranger danger and talk about tricky people early and often. 93% of children that are victims of know their abuser. You want to teach your child about alarming behaviors, what specifically to look out for, what they feel internally, and how important it is to talk to you about everything. Nobody should ask your child to keep a secret from mommy and daddy. And if somebody does, your child needs to know to come to you because that’s not okay behavior. And talk to them about physical touch. Use the correct anatomical names for body parts and make sure that your child knows that nobody is to ask to touch their or see their or ask your child to touch theirs. If that’s the case, they have to come tell you. And also talk about internal feeling with your child. If somebody is asking something of your child and they feel yucky inside, it doesn’t make them feel good. It’s something that they need to talk to you about. No adult should ever ask to be alone with them. Or other words, don’t tell mammy, don’t tell daddy, you’ll get in trouble, come out of their mouth.

Big red flag. It’s so important to establish trust between you and your child. They need to know that they can come to you for anything and everything, and you will hear for that. And more importantly, you will always believe them. Teach your child that they will never get in trouble for telling the truth. Be their safe space.

And lastly, talk to your child about inappropriate images or videos as well. If anybody would ever show your child an image or video that makes them feel un comfortable, they need to come talk to you. Or if somebody would bribe your child with a toy or a game or candy and say, take your clothes off, I just wanna take cute pictures of you again. If they feel icky inside, they feel like something’s wrong, it is. That’s not normal. They need to come talk to you about that as well. Empower your child that no means no and drive home that they will never get in trouble for coming to. These conversations are never easy as a parent, but they’re so important. I have a degree in criminology and psychology, and I share daily safety tips. Be sure to give me a follow and as always, stay safe out there.