Navigating the Practical Nurse Equivalency Process in Florida: A Detailed Guide

Welcome to part 2 of challenging the LP and exam in the state of Florida. So I have my laptop here and I’m gonna show you when you Google, you’re gonna have this page that pops up, okay, and it gives you the list.

One thing that’s important with the classes that I mentioned in my previous video that you have to complete before you can do this. You also have to make sure that in that class you got a C or above. If you got a d, you can’t do it. Okay? Remember, this is equivalent C. It’s not just because you went to the class and either fell down or whatever does not mean you can pass it. You need to have a see your above program director won’t sign off on the paper because you didn’t have a C or above. It must include theory and clinical instruction, meaning you have to have had a clinical aspect of that class to do.

The next thing that the professor or practical nursing curriculum must document, clinical experience and theoretical instruction and medical, surgical, ops, OB, pediatric and geriatric nursing. Each curriculum plan must document clinical training experience in an appropriate setting that include but are not limited to, acute care, long term care and community settings.

Next, applicants for the PNQ must have their school submit official transcripts, course descriptions and a completed practical nurse equivalency application found in the examination application. So that was a mouthful, but I just wanted to read it from the board of nursing, the Florida Board of Nursing’s website. So that way, you know, I’m not just pulling it out. I’m, but you wanna make this process as easy for your school as possible.

Okay, so what I did was I went to the student catalog and I printed out all the course descriptions. I printed out, I requested my transcripts, my official transcripts. I had them sent. I believe I requested them to be sent from the board of, to the board of nursing directly on the publisher clearing site or whatever. By the way, that’s Bob beeping in the background, aka Maya smoke detector. But, and then I complete the application and the state of Florida at the time when I did it, I had to have fingerprints done or electronic fingerprints done in a background check and I had to make sure to submit all those things.

Okay, so when it came to the application process, I was one of, I think either very few students who have done it at that point. I think this was in 2019. I was probably maybe a handful, I don’t know how many. I knew my rights as a Florida nurse to be, so I knew I was gonna do this. There’s another file that you can download, which is the nurse nursing license at this file. Okay, and so basically it gives you step by step on how you’re supposed to do it.

This is what the application looks like. That application looks like this. That application, it has all the fees and has everything that you need to do and everything that you have to fill out. Okay. And so what I did was I filled everything out and had everything ready. So when it was time for me to have my program director sign it, it was just easier for them. They didn’t have to. I didn’t, like I said, I didn’t want this to be a stressful process whatsoever. This is the fingerprints that you have to also do as well. All of these things are important because every one of these things, you need it in order to do it. So that is part 2. See you for the next one.