Embracing Feminine Grace: Cultivating Softness and Strength in a Man’s World

feminine shift to make a man chase you is graceful gestures. So when you’re out or when you’re with a man practice cultivating gracefulness in your motions and movements from something simple as the way you hold your hands and how you talk with your hands trying to bring some grace and feminine flow into your movements or in the way you walk the feminine sway of the hips or the grace and it’s like you’re just enjoying yourself. Jokes aside, everything mentioned in this video and 10 other videos that this content creator made the 10 shifts women need to make happen naturally in women when they feel safe. When you feel safe you can connect to who you are, your femininity, you can sway your hips, whatever you want or your boxing gloves like me. Instead of wasting time telling women how to behave, tell men how to behave because they are the reason why many women are now masculine whatever people mean by that and a lot of men want women to do this become more feminine, sway your hips, listen to them, be more intuitive so that they can destroy it. I recently saw a video by Cecilia I really love her videos she was saying that a lot of men will date someone so they can destroy them. It’s the ultimate feeling of power when you destroy another human being. So ladies start watching this content and focus on your safety. When you’re safe you can do a lot of these things. When you focus on your safety and your peace and you can heal and you can be who you are, you can see yourself, you can accept yourself, you won’t have a problem swaying your hips. You won’t have a problem having these gentle gestures that this man is talking about. Don’t waste your time watching these videos if you are doing it for a man who’s abusing you. If you’re around abusive men because they’re gonna drain all that femininity from you. A lot of these men they just want someone who’s feminine so that they can crumble you that’s what they want. The name is Chido I’m your personal emotional intelligence detective always keeping it real follow from what I talk you won’t regret it