Polish Week Prep: Sophomore Year Rushing Experience and Excitement for Zoom Recruitment

get ready with me for polish week. today is day one of i think five days of polish week at san Diego state. i’m going into my sophomore year so this is my first time recruiting which is so exciting. polish is on zoom this year which i believe is a first for everyone so i’m pretty excited. obviously i have like zero clue what to expect but this should be fun. i wanted to talk about my experience rushing. it’s honestly so funny to me because i remember not even being sure if i wanted to rush and now that i’m a part of greek life i can’t imagine my life without it. i definitely operate as a busy person like i’m one of those people who always needs to be doing something. freshman year i just really loved always have something to go to even like our sisterhood events like we had little slime nights it was just so much fun. honestly aphi brought me the most important people in my life which sounds really grungy but it’s actually true. like i’m literally living with three other girls in aphi next year. so today’s polish theme is getting ready for pc 24 which is why i’m wearing this outfit. we have so many fun polish themes and i can’t wait to share them all with you this week. i kind of need to hurry because our zoom starts in 10 minutes but i’m literally getting so excited right now. i’m kind of nervous to be recruiting but i feel like it’s gonna be so much fun and i have a feeling they’re gonna walk us through it all. i honestly think i’m gonna leave in these hair clips today because it’s on theme so yeah this is a finished look. bye guys. can’t wait for recruitment!