Unpacking Stories: My Journey to the 2024 Democratic National Convention

What are you doing in my suitcase? I have to pack this thing for Chicago because I leave in like a week. You remember why I’m going, right? So for the first time in history, the 2024 Democratic National Convention is credentialing content creators. And I’d like to announce that I’m one of them. Yeah, it’s a big deal. It’s a big deal because I’m ready to tell more stories. I’ve told a lot of stories here at this motel. But I feel like, I don’t know, the next leg of my own journey is to tell stories about anything that I find interesting. And I do find this thing interesting. Let me explain more. I mean, a lot of things have happened in the last month since I made that announcement. Brian, a customer wants to know how much is the room for the rest of the night? Oh, you could tell them that it’s $80 until 11 o’clock in the morning. Oh, wait, how is he going to pay cash or credit? Actually, he wants to know if we take Apple. Oh, you mean like Apple Pay? If anything, it’s going to be interesting to cover. And as I said, I’m ready to tell some more stories. You know, my favorite storyteller, Hunter S. Thompson, went to the 1968 Democratic National Convention after he saw the things that was wrong with this country. And from my perspective, from this little motel, a lot of things are wrong with this country. So I’m going to go in there with a clear mind, not really knowing what to expect. Because I am in no way, shape or form a journalist, but journalists tell stories. So I think I can do at least that now. If you’ll excuse me, I have to log into some sort of creator orientation. OK, so I think I still have time to book my hotel in Chicago. Three thousand dollars. But tell me it is nonsense. Three, three thousand, three thousand dollars. You know, someone was like, how much is Biden paying you for this? Nothing. This is coming out of my own pocket. I should have paid for on this with hell cheese.