Motherhood: Embracing Selfishness and Responsibility

So Cashed Out said she didn’t have her kids for a man, she had them for herself. Selfish. Selfish. Girl what? Listen, before you think you’re going to have a child, you better be a selfish mother. You better be a selfish mother. What’s that old saying? Come on, quickly. Momma’s baby, papa’s maybe. That still applies now in this day and age. You got men coming in delivery rooms with game systems. Okay? These fathers are selfish. You got men coming home from work and hiding out in the bathroom for hours so they ain’t got to deal with their kids. You have married single mothers. You better be a selfish mother. When you decide you want to have children, you better be having them because you want them because truth of the matter is, whether you marry, whether you single, whether you’re in a relationship, if a man don’t want to take care of no kids, he will not. They are your responsibility. So yes, you better be a selfish mother. You better be one. If you decide to have kids, you better have them because you want them because yes, they are your kids. I don’t know what the hell this girl talking about. I ain’t going to get into all of the nonsense about because if a man ain’t, you ain’t found no man that want to marry you or something wrong, but don’t, I’m not even getting into all of that. Why else would you be having children besides the fact that you want them? Make it make sense. This type of rhetoric is harmful. It’s very harmful to women. It really is. Y’all got to stop being real. Okay. That’s the problem. That’s the reason why a lot of moms, you know, they have babies and they show shocked when they see that life is not this fairing tale and motherhood is not this fairing tale that the world is pitching. It’s not. Even in most of the, in the most ideal situations, babies, children favor, they want their mother. So you better be having this baby because you want it. What the hell?