Title: Reflections on God’s Faithfulness: A Journey of Gratitude and Encouragement

I just went up to a coffee shop. It really had me reflecting on the Lord’s faithfulness because I’m going here today to have a little fun environment to fill out some pre-employment forms that I need to do for a job opportunity I was just offered. As I was driving here, I was like, wait, this is the same place that I went to when I first started filling out applications. Like the very first day I was putting myself out there. I didn’t do it intentionally. Honestly, I’m only here today because I know it’s a place that also has food and I need lunch. And at the same time that I was driving here, I’m also wearing the same T-shirt as the day after I found out I got rejected from a different opportunity that I thought was such a God thing. I was crying, I was a hot mess, and now today I’m headed to the same coffee shop where I began this little journey and the same T-shirt where I was mourning as part of this journey. And I was just so filled and so touched with the Holy Spirit. Like you know sometimes when you really feel the Holy Spirit, like I had one of those moments and I was just like, I’m so grateful. And I would love to tell you that that entire waiting season I was cheerful, I was joyful, I was rocking it, but honestly it really challenged my faith and I’m thankful that it did. It showed me a couple different things, but the main three being one, even when we are faithless, even when we’re like how the heck is this gonna happen? The Lord is still faithful because he cannot deny himself. Number two, it encouraged me to keep being faithful. So in those moments where I was heavily discouraged, I remembered Hebrews 11, like all the saints of the faith who received their blessings by faith in God alone, nothing else, like even when people were telling them that they’re crazy, they’re like nope, God’s gonna do it. And sure enough he did. And number three, it taught me that God gets so much more glory when things don’t go according to our first initial plan because we are just able to delight in him all the more over the things that he does give us and see that he was really paying attention to all of those intricate little prayers that you thought maybe would have gone unnoticed. Like he is so faithful and intentional and he knows exactly what you need and he will give it to you. Believe this is just encouragement in your waiting season that it will come to pass. He fulfills his promises, he is in the same operating capacity back then as he is today and if he did it for me, he’s gonna do it for you because he has no favorites and he works on our behalf, all things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes. Like seriously, just take rest in that. I wish I took rest in it more so than I did, so I’m saying it to you so that you can today. Remember, he loved you first, you are well taken care of.