Product Review: Wanuo Desktop Monitor Arm – A Game-Changer for Creative Professionals Working from Home

Where my work from home people at? Cause I’m about to put y’all on. About a week ago, I collab with this company called Wanuo. I think that’s how you say it. But they sent me a desktop monitor arm and y’all, when I tell y’all this is a life changer. So when I got it, I looked inside and I’m like, Lord, I’m a little intimidated by these parts. But y’all, it was super easy to set up. All I did was take this thing here and I mounted it to the back of my desktop monitor and voila, y’all. When I tell y’all this shit’s so fire, like as a graphic designer, I can only imagine the type of content I’m gonna be able to create with this. Like I was able to adjust it and move it in the direction I needed it to go. Like, y’all, I am just so excited about this. Like it literally makes everything so much easier. So imagine like you have inspiration or something on the side where you can literally like copy the design and work on one other side of your screen and you can move it. Y’all don’t get in trouble now, but you can literally watch movies as you’re working. You know what I’m saying? Like the possibilities are endless with this thing. Like y’all can’t tell me this is not fire. You cannot tell me this is not fire. Like then look how much room I have underneath my monitor. Like I can put whatever I need there and nothing is in the way. So yeah, with that being said, go edit to the cart.