Braid Game Strong: A Birthday Haircut Transformation Story with Neato

Yo, Neato, what you doing, bro? Wait, I think you want me to cut your hair. Nah, bro, really, you really cut my hair, bro? Bro, why you crying? I drove away from New York for this, bro. Like, seriously, it’s my birthday, bro. You didn’t want your hair cut? Nah, bro, I asked for braids, bro. That’s the first thing I said. I wanted braids, bro. You really cut my hair. If you don’t know how to braid, hit that follow button. Let’s go! My boys. Bro, why you look so serious, bro? You know, these girls are gonna be after me after this one. So, they already are, but like, this just solidified it. Do you like him? Love him, man. Neato, you did your thing, man. You cut my hair in the beginning, but you made up for it. I appreciate it.