Title: The Insane Sleep Deprivation Challenge: The Rise and Fall of Streamer Normie

This streamer just tried to stay awake for 12 days. But 230 hours in, the cops showed up at his house and every major platform banned his stream. His name is Normie, and what’s crazy, for the first eight to nine days of trying to break the world record, there was only a couple hundred people on his stream. But when things started getting serious and he started fading in and out of consciousness or collapsing on the floor, viewers begged him to stop and clips began going viral on Twitter. People started calling what he was doing incredibly dangerous and stupid, pointing out that because of the potential for long-term damages, Guinness World Records wouldn’t even accept submissions of this type anymore. I mean, sleep deprivation is classed as torture and is illegal under international law. So yeah, not just a fun little challenge. He hired his friends to keep him awake, but people became so concerned that they started calling the police and two officers and an ambulance arrived at his house for a welfare check. The cops said they thought he was a complete idiot, but because telling people to go to bed isn’t really part of their job, they eventually left. Against all advice, he decided to continue the stream until it was mass reported to YouTube and they subsequently banned the stream for violating their community guidelines around harmful and dangerous acts. Only 10 hours from his 264-hour goal, he moved over to Twitch. MMA banned his ass too, and then he finally ended up finishing the challenge on Rumble. And yeah, believe it or not, his parents were there with him for that final push. He then decided to start a sleeping stream where he passed out for about 20 hours straight. And despite all of this, problem is, according to the Guinness World Records, Robert McDonald went 453 hours and 40 minutes without sleeping in 1986, so yeah.