Banana Ball: A Legacy in the Making

After launching the first ever banana ball tournament, we are now playing at another major league stadium. It’s easy to think, hey, it’s just another major league park. We’ve done three of these. We got this. It’s easy to think, hey, we can take this for granted. It’s easy to get a little cocky and say, hey, we’re going to be great. We’re great. That’s what we do. But that’s not what has made us great. If you’ve learned anything, a part of this organization, it’s that we have to earn it every single day. And we have a responsibility to earn it here tonight in Cleveland. Sitting here will be 900 kids from 48 states that played our game of banana ball that we created for the first time ever at our tournament. And they’re going to be watching this saying, what can I say of the best of the best in banana ball? That is a huge responsibility and obligation to put a great experience for them and show them what banana ball can be. Because they all hope at some point they can play banana ball in the future, like many of you. That is an obligation we shouldn’t take for granted. Because tonight, we’re not just playing for our 35,000 fans. We’re playing for a future generation of banana ball players. Tonight, we are entertaining for our future generation of banana ball players. And tonight, we are serving and being fans first for our future generation of banana ball players. Guys, I’ve told a few of you before, in less than 10 years, some of the kids that played banana ball for the first time this week are going to be playing at sold out major league stadiums because of you. And some of you will be their teammates still. And you’ll be able to think about that, playing with those kids that you coached at the first ever banana ball tournament. And I hope they tell stories about their first fans first moments with you here at the tournament and here at Cleveland. And in 10 years, when they’re playing at sold out major league stadiums, how are they going to interact with the fans? How are they going to sign autographs? How are they going to take pictures? Are they going to do it like you? Are they going to be telling these stories about the experiences that they’re now creating because of you? What are they going to say? What are they going to see from you guys tonight and over the last few days? And most importantly, how are you going to make them feel? As I share, this is a huge obligation because it’s not just fans, it’s kids that are going to have the opportunity to play this game that we created many years to come. Guys, it’s a big responsibility, but we’re made for this. It’s about focusing at one fan at a time. And most importantly tonight, one kid at a time. Guys, it’s show time. It’s going to be a lot of fun tonight. You ready for this? Yeah! All right, let’s get our hands up. Fans first on three. One, two, three. Fans first! Let’s do it.