Unlocking Brand Deals: The Secrets to Optimizing Your Content Creator Profile

If you want to land brand deals as a content creator, you need to stop neglecting this part of your profile. First things first, you need to have an optimized bio. Your bio is the first thing that brands and also new viewers notice about your profile. So your goal here should be to make your bio as clear, concise, and impactful as possible. So here are some rapid fire tips to have the best bio possible. First things first, include keywords related to your niche or what you do. Next up, highlight your unique selling position, whether you have a cool tagline or something that you call your audience or anything that makes you you and makes you different, include that in your bio. And last but not least, number three, the most important tip I could ever give you is include your email in your bio. And no, I’m not talking about that hockeygirl123 at gmail.com email. I am talking about an intentional and professional email that brands can reach out to you when they notice your profile. A little bit of insider information for you guys, brands are 50% more likely to pass on a creator if they didn’t have their email easily accessible in their Instagram bio. The next thing that you can do to optimize your profile, to work with brands as a creator, is to showcase your work. Instagram truly makes it so easy for you to highlight the content that you’re proud of and that you want brands and also your audience to see first. And pro tip, you can have three videos pinned to the top of your profile at a time, so make sure you’re using this prime real estate wisely. And last but not least, the third thing that you can do to optimize your profile for brands is to ensure that you’re posting consistently. Brands really wanna see that you’re creating content consistently and also maintaining the same level of quality every single time you post. My best tip to you is to ensure that you’re using the Instagram scheduler to make consistent posting feel super easy and also efficient.