Braids, Wine, and Postpartum Hair Loss: A Journey of Haircare and Self-Care

We doing it again. These braids, they falling off the bone. My hair been itching like a dog with fleas for the past two days. They held on, but down they got to go. And before y’all try to come for me like y’all did with my last braiding video, ketchup does go on the filly. And this bald spot here that you see on the side of my head, I had a baby a year ago, okay? Ain’t nobody tell me about post-partum hair loss, so that’s what happened. I can’t help it, leave me alone. Leaf chat, you know us black girls, we got to see if our hair grew a little bit. Maybe I thought I was doing something, but this is not a lot of hair that I took out. And I just wanted to show y’all that I don’t got no nails, so we gonna see how long it take me this time. I did utilize my comb, but it was still hard to take out. I think it was the way that I put the braids in my head. Rooms didn’t have enough braiding hair in them, so they was getting tangled up, honey child. Y’all be sliding on her hair to make you dance better, or is that just me? Oh. And I actually didn’t stand there in silence this time, I actually was jamming to some music. I listened to this YouTuber named Hello V, and baby when I say my girl be jamming, say I ain’t never put you on. Them little fine little pieces of hair that fall off when you cut the braid, it was eating me up. It’s 8.20 and I’m just getting to the other side. You gotta be careful when you taking them edges out. That edge control be caked up, honey. This piece of hair was a paid actress, it was hanging on for their life. Hello V had me in my field, so I was like, let me go downstairs and get me some more wine, because I only had one little section left, and I was hype, honey. Y’all, and that hair on the floor almost took me out. Gotta be careful next time, but then I went and got me some wine, y’all, and my man called me. He said, can you please take a break, because I need to go to the store, so took me a little break, watched TV with my little boy, and sip my wine for a little second. Finally got back to the last section, and I was so ready to get these braids out of my head, y’all. Why I look like a little dirt? I can’t unsee it. But y’all, why the top of your head be so tender? It’s like that section and then the edges be super tender when you taking your braids out. I don’t get it. Between that wine and that playlist though, can y’all tell I was really feeling it? What was I singing? Tell me, what y’all think I was singing? 9.56 and we taking out the last braid. So it actually took me a little over two hours, which was a little bit faster than the last time. Woo, that feel good. And I don’t see how some of y’all say y’all take y’all braids out in 30 minutes. How? Ain’t no way. There’s some Monatlyce in my head. Let me go wash my hair and I will see you guys later. Bye.