Crown of the Balloon Whack Champion: The Unbeatable Game

I am the reigning champ of a whack a balloon, which is why I am wearing this crown, because I am the only one in my family who has never lost in this game. So we are going to play a round. It’s a really fun, super easy game. There is a balloon underneath here. We do not know where exactly the balloon is. Everyone takes a turn with the spinner. Then you have these nails and you have to hammer them in. If you are the one to pop the balloon, you are out. Who wants to go first? Me. Okay, spin. Okay, I’ll see what you get. Oh, reverse. We’re gonna go back to me. We’re gonna go backwards. What? Three nails? I have to put three nails in here. Do I put them all in the same section, let’s say, or do I go all over the place? Alright, hammer, I’m safe. Your turn. 1. He always does, Daniel, if it’s one. That’s why. So always slightly manual. Okay, okay. I always swim cuz I get nervous. That’s gonna pop. 2,2.

Going for the corners. Hammer it covered your ears two. Alright, it’s definitely not there. So I’m gonna put that one there. How do you know? Because there’s three right next to it, so the balloon wouldn’t fit there. Safe river. That’s me. 2. You keep paying twos three months. Invitation staying good user, I take it. 2.

Are you nervous?

No. Reverse bachelor back to Nora, right? That wasn’t a good spin. Do it. Hit your finger. There we go. Two.

Oh, I thought you’re gonna pop the balloon to those gardens. It was hard to put. Yeah, to pop it in three. That’s your second tree. You’re big. You might have to take that crown off in a second. No, really? No. Put it now. You can’t put them in one section. I didn’t put them. She put it in. I didn’t take it out today. We’ll check the video after. No. You popped it. I popped it. Didn’t even. Wait, you just barely pop. I Po. Oh my gosh. It didn’t even really pop. It literally got like the skin of it. I feel like I shouldn’t count. No, we don’t even hear a pop. Yes, we did. Yeah, we did. It was like a, well, yeah, cool. I had a good run.