Surprise Delivery: A Sneak Peek into the Valespa Box Adventure

So I’m so glad I decided to do yard work this morning because of these trash cans. I got one over there too, was outside the gate. And as I went outside the gate, I saw that we had a special delivery. Robbie’s gone, so he doesn’t know that we have this, but we got this beautiful box from our friends over at Valespa. So, because I love to surprise him, I’m going to take this inside and I’m gonna put them in the fridge and tell Robbie like, get me a Diet Coke. And he’s going to see the surprise. But inside the box, there’s also something super, super special that we both don’t know what it looks like or smells like, so we’re excited for that. So anyways, I’m going to go take this inside and prep for the little surprise. Maybe I’ll give you guys a little sneak peek. Here we go. This one I’m excited for. I want that one. So I’m going to put them in the fridge now. These two might have to go somewhere else because I only think that there’s room for one. I think I might just put this one right up here. There we go. Forgot we have these as well. So I’m going to put these up here. There we go. I mean, Robbie does always call me thirsty, so I can’t wait for him to get home and pour me a nice Diet Coke and have him see all these little surprises. Stay tuned for part two.