Embracing the Hard Truth: The Unstoppable Spread of God’s Word

You feel convicted because Jesus loves you so much. He loves you too much to leave you how you are, where you are, because he knows he’s called you to something greater. But do you have like this deep longing and appreciation for the word of God being preached? Because see, they wanted to hear more, but once they got more, they couldn’t handle the truth. And if I think if we’re honest, the truth is hard to handle. There’s a crucifixion that takes place in every single one of us all the time, where we have to die to ourself to truly take it on in. But what I love about Acts 19, as we can even see today, we see this in our church, is that although some were obstinate and some were against the way, and it says they maligned themself, which means they came against and misaligned themself, the Bible tells us that the word couldn’t be stopped, it kept spreading. So it’s very simple. Jesus will be preached, and Jesus will be known in all the earth. It’s whether or not you’re on the train when it gets to the finish line called heaven.