Breaking the Debt Cycle: Transforming Your Financial Future

My wife and I, we have quite a bit of debt. And so I was wondering how we should start working through that. We have about 150 in car loans and about 280 in student loans. You work too hard, and you’ve worked too hard, to have nothing, to have 280 in student loan debt and $150,000 in cars. You guys make a lot of money. You have a lot of debts, and something has to change. Your formula’s not working. Would you agree? I agree, 100%. I wouldn’t want to make $330,000 and that be my life. There has to be something that majorly changes. How do we live on $75,000 next year? If I were y’all, if I woke up in your shoes, the first place I’m cutting is lifestyle, which is the most painful and the most not fun. You’ve been going out to eat, going on vacations with friends. I can only imagine your lifestyle, and I bet it’s great and so fun. You’re not crazy. You’re not crazy. Yeah, that is normal. That’s all of us. But also, your results are normal, and normal is broke. You’re waking up to the fact like, oh my gosh, we’re just like everybody else. Everything looks great, but we literally don’t have a net worth, even though we make $330,000 a year. You make way too much money to be this broke.