The Amazing Presence of Jesus: A Journey of Belief and Revelation

Where would you go? Anyway. Yeah, me too. 100%? I know him. 100%. It would be amazing if it was true. It is amazing. I believe you. I believe that you believe that. Would you like to be introduced to Jesus? Uh, listen, I think the concept of Jesus is absolutely amazing. If Jesus came here and wanted to visit me, I would be psyched. If Jesus came here and wanted to visit me, I would be psyched. The beauty is that God has already… What Jesus represents is the fact that the God of the entire universe literally put skin on, moved into the neighborhood, and visited all of humanity once and for all. The Bible says in Romans 5-8 that God is currently, right now, presently demonstrating his love for us in what Jesus did back then. That in the mind of God, that present and past tense overlap, that he’s presently demonstrating his love for us through his appearance back then. And now, Jesus says, it was better for you that I go because I’m going to send my spirit. And so, Joe, Jesus is showing up to you. And he’s showing up to you through people like this, through people like me, through this video, through all of the people that have been talking to you about Jesus, because he’s real and he lives inside of us. We don’t just get excited about being religious. We actually know him. He’s real. He did come. He’s real. He did come. I’d go visit him too. And I hope one day, Joe, you’ll come to know him, anybody else watching this video.