Walmart Plus Grocery Delivery: Navigating the Awkwardness of Home Deliveries

Okay, so all my friends, mainly Stephanie, has been telling me forever now that I need to do this Walmart Plus or whatever it is, where basically you pay, I think it’s like 90 bucks a year or something, and you get free deliveries. Because I love doing my grocery stuff from Walmart because it’s cheaper, you can’t beat the prices, but obviously, I’m a Publix girl, and it’s right across the street, and I’m there every single day. But sometimes if I need a lot of stuff, I like doing a Walmart order, but I hate driving there, getting it, I have to risk my life, all that. So I did the free 30-day trial. It just texted me and said that my stuff’s arriving soon, it’s just some groceries. But now I’m sitting here in the living room, behind the wall, so I don’t see the person when they come dropping on the porch because it’s so awkward, I don’t know what to do. Do you go help them get stuff out of the car? Do you hide? This is very awkward and uncomfortable for me. But this Walmart delivery, I’m gonna give it to, god, they just rang the doorbell. Is that just like the UPS man does to let me know that it’s here? Or do I have to get up and go face them and talk to them? I don’t know, I get up and tell them that they’re doing the job, it’s crazy, and that’s just awkward. I just like staring and talking. It’s kinda awkward. It’s weird. It’s just like, just like, I’m not scared of them. I’m okay. Gosh, it’s still out there, this is all my stuff. Bye, thank you so much, appreciate you.