Urgent Call for Action: Demand an Arms Embargo Now to Address Ongoing Violence

Now is a really good time, if not quite tardy, to be adjusting our demands from like ceasefire now to arms embargo now. It is simultaneously true that there has been basically zero tangible movement towards a ceasefire and that also like there was the UN Security Council resolution, Kamala keeps saying over and over again, I have called for a six-week ceasefire. Girl, babe, we know, we know. That’s not a ceasefire but we know. That’s relatively simple to do like it’s lip service. You’re able to say oh we’re still working on this thing, we’re working as hard as we can around the clock, xyz, we’re doing the mediation, everything that needs to be done, it just takes time. Whereas with an arms embargo we would both acknowledge and materially act upon our complicity in this ongoing violence. Moreover, we’d also be upholding our own obligation to both international and US laws saying that we should not be arming them given the war crime after war crime after war crime after war crime that have been committed there with our bombs that we are sending to them. Insofar as the UN Institute for Training and Research has found that debris that has been generated from this current, I don’t want to use the word conflict, but conflict is 14 times more than the combined sum of all debris generated by all other conflicts globally since 2008. Since 2008 in the last 16 years. The same analysis estimating that for every square meter in the Gaza Strip that there are 114 kilograms of debris or like 200 something pounds of debris generated. That’s insane. They also identified 88 percent 88 percent 88 percent of Gaza’s industrial and business facilities have been damaged or destroyed. I don’t think people have actually like wrapped their minds around that but yeah the fact that we’re already at that point and the bombs are still dropping what will be left what will be left? Just repairing the homes the homes that were destroyed not even the ones that were damaged could take 80 years. Of course that’s the conservative projection but like even the more liberal ones that are like 16 years it could take that’s a whole generation that’s not a short period of time in any way shape or form and the bombs our bombs that we are paying for are still dropping. This was also an article from May so like three months ago. It’s for that reason that organizers have created the Not Another Bomb campaign because politicians and candidates can say all they want oh my god a ceasefire would be great I love a ceasefire what are you going to do about that? What are you going to do about that? Because it’s not enough to say as one of the most powerful people in the entire world politically I want this I want that use the tools that are in your pocket to do something. You can find more info here there’s going to be mandamano across the entire country very aptly timed around a certain convention happening in Chicago. So show up show out and demand an arms embargo now.