Improving Athlete Conditions: The Imperative of Proper Facilities in the Olympics

Adam Petey said that in the food, there were some worms in the fish. Like they literally found, I know disgusting. I am such a stickler, a worm, I would die. Yeah. I would die. Sleep, food, like these are two essential things for athletes. And you’re saying that both of them, like sleeping is bad, food is bad, climate is bad, like it sounds horrible in the Olympic Village. The Olympic Village in this particular Olympics did not foster what was needed for the athletes at all. As a matter of fact, it was the opposite of what they deserved. And we need to change that moving forward. There’s no reason why any athlete who is coming to represent their country should have to worry about any of these even basic needs. Food, sleep, safety, you know, they shouldn’t have to. And so whoever’s planning these Olympic Villages, let’s get it right. Let’s get it right because our athletes are worth these basic necessities. They’re worth more than that. But in the least, let’s just make sure that they’re fed right. They have beds that they can sleep in that aren’t going to mess them up athletically and so on and so forth. All of this is just unacceptable.