Unlocking Value for the Wealthy: A Guide to Building Experience and Expertise in High-Demand Markets

The best thing to do is help billionaires make more money. Problem is, everyone wants to do that, and billionaires tend to be very smart, so they only go with people that have a shitload of experience. You have to use what you have right now. Who can you provide the most value to? You might then think, well, these people have the money to pay me, but you’re missing the first part, which is you don’t have the value to provide them. So you need both. The most value to the person who can pay me the most money, that’s who I sell to. I can provide tons of value, they can’t pay me, not a business. They have lots of money and I can’t provide the value, not a business. You need both. Problem to solve, the money to spend.