Ultimate Cookie Dough Taste Test: Warm and Gooey Delight!

I am so excited for this you have no idea. Okay beautiful people here we’re gonna do a little demonstration, taste test review and I’m so freaking excited. I’ve been willing to try this stuff for months now. I’m just gonna tuck into it because I’m getting way too excited. Time for the reveal. Okay stop it. You can just eat it straight like this out of the tub which I will be doing later. But I thought it would be fun if we tried it heated up because it is a cold day and I need some more cookie dough. I’m gonna scoop it in, pop it in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds and try it together and I’m so excited. Let’s get the consistency. I am so excited for this you have no idea. Oh my gosh it smells so freaking good. Okay I need you guys to see this it’s turned into like a big warm cookie gooey melt. Okay we are finally going on with the taste test. Cheers. There’s not many times where I’m speechless. This is next level.