Debunking the Myth: Texas Heat vs. Arizona Heat – Which is Truly Worse?

I’m convinced that anybody who thinks that Texas or heat in the south is worse than heat in Arizona because of the humidity is lying. Because I was just in Arizona, I couldn’t even stand outside for more than 10 minutes, even like when the sun was going down without like dying and dripping sweat. And we’ve been walking for like 20 minutes. It’s 96 degrees out right now and I’m perfectly fine. There is nothing worse than Arizona heat coming from somebody who’s experienced both summers living in Texas, first living in Arizona. I would pick Texas any day. Arizona heat is just different. It’s dry and it’s like horrible. Maybe it’s because there’s just so much more green and it’s not like a literal desert wasteland. My husband and I have gone back and forth about this so many times and I tell him he’s literally delusional because he’s not been home for the summer in like five years to Arizona. He argues with everybody that Arizona is way better than Texas because of the humidity, but he’s wrong. He’s so wrong. I’m not speaking about Houston, though. Summers in Houston are literally summers in hell. Something about that dry desert heat that just makes everybody so miserable. So if you’ve experienced both a summer in the South and a summer in Arizona or any desert, I want to know which one you think is worse.